Exploring Spirituality Blog

Welcome! I write about my spiritual awakening experience and share the wisdom I've gained along the way. New posts every Monday.

Jul 22, 2024

All the Jumps, All the Time

A butterfly perched on a bright pink calendula flower.

I am now experiencing multiple quantum jumps in a day and for days in a row.

Continue reading "All the Jumps, All the Time"

Jul 16, 2024

Another Quantum Jump

A silhouette of a hummingbird on a background of green outer space.

I experienced another quantum jump that brought very different results and beautiful changes.

Continue reading "Another Quantum Jump"

Jul 08, 2024

Spiritual Awakenings are a Challenge

A woman bent backwards with butterflies emerging from her core, on a background of a glowing planet.

And if we do our best to trust and honor the process, we can thrive through it and beyond.

Continue reading "Spiritual Awakenings are a Challenge"

Jul 01, 2024

Applying Spirituality to Politics

Text that reads "Our votes is an expression of our values and beliefs."

Our vote is an expression of our values and beliefs. With a few questions we can make a choice that is aligned with our spiritual perspective.

Continue reading "Applying Spirituality to Politics"

Jun 24, 2024

Quantum Jumping, Heart Awakening, and More.

A woman making a huge leap on a background of a gold and orange sunset.

Last week was filled with beautiful, magical, and abundant spiritual energy.

Continue reading "Quantum Jumping, Heart Awakening, and More."

Jun 17, 2024

Practicing Spirituality in the Emergency Room

An image of an emergency room sign.

Our spiritual awakening, the work that we do for ourselves, benefits us in ways we can’t imagine. Then one day a challenge arises that shows us how we’ve grown.

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Jun 10, 2024

Mediumship and Jumping Timelines

An oil painting of flowers in a brass jug. My dad's painting.

What it’s like and how I thrive amid intense change and transformation during spiritual awakening.

Continue reading "Mediumship and Jumping Timelines"

Jun 03, 2024

Lessons in Emotional Intelligence from Spirit

A tree lined lake reflecting trees and clouds in the water.

Rest, time in nature, and reminders from Spirit have me feeling great again.

Continue reading "Lessons in Emotional Intelligence from Spirit"

May 27, 2024

Another Week of Crying and Deep Energy Releasing

A line drawing of a woman holding her chest, head thrown back and hair moving in the breeze. On a background of pink and lavender clouds.

I'm feeling burned out spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Continue reading "Another Week of Crying and Deep Energy Releasing"

May 20, 2024

Connect with your Soul and Find your Soul Purpose

Text that reads "Be so well connected to your soul that there is no other option than to live your soul's purpose." on a background of a lotus flower emerging from the water.

Be so well connected with your soul that there is no other option than to live your soul’s purpose.

Continue reading "Connect with your Soul and Find your Soul Purpose"

May 13, 2024

The How's and Why's of Energy Releasing

An image of a two hands releasing butterflies.

My favorite spiritual practice that can help move you forward.

Continue reading "The How's and Why's of Energy Releasing"

May 09, 2024

A Visit with Grandma in Spirit

A montage of family photos of my grandma spanning the 1940's through the 1990's.

A mediumship experience that started with a recipe and ended with so much love, wisdom, and abundance.

Continue reading "A Visit with Grandma in Spirit"

May 06, 2024

Soulful Living

The words "soulful living, body, mind, heart, soul" on a soft floral background.

Mindful living as guided by my soul is what I call “soulful living”, and I love it.

Continue reading "Soulful Living"

Apr 29, 2024

A Visit from Universal Energies and a Timeline Shift

On background of an image of the universe is a line drawing of a woman leaning into her right shoulder.

A partly channeled post from universal energies as I shifted into a new timeline.

Continue reading "A Visit from Universal Energies and a Timeline Shift"

Apr 22, 2024

From Soul Integration to Soul Mate

A figure on a background of ethereal colors. The figure has a flame at the center, a soul flame.

Integration is a relationship.

Continue reading "From Soul Integration to Soul Mate"

Apr 15, 2024

Soul Integration

A graphical image of someone with their arms around themselves, hugging themselves.

I didn't know it was a thing until I experienced it.

Continue reading "Soul Integration"

Apr 08, 2024

The Remembering

A close-up image of snow that looks like infinite flakes of snow.

A visit to the soul realm helped me, and my soul, remember the meaning of life.

Continue reading "The Remembering"

Apr 01, 2024

How to Become a Better Manifester

An image of a crystal, astrology chart, tarot cards, and crystals.

I share my tips for becoming a better manifester while watching your favorite energy readings.

Continue reading "How to Become a Better Manifester"

Mar 25, 2024

Healing Through Spiritual Awakening

Photo of a water lily amongst the lily pads.

All the ways I've healed through my spiritual awakening.

Continue reading "Healing Through Spiritual Awakening"

Mar 18, 2024

Finding Bliss Again

Sunrise over a distant city.

What is bliss, and how I manifest more?

Continue reading "Finding Bliss Again"

Mar 11, 2024

Ego Death, Dark Night, and Re-Birth

A drawing of the mythical phoenix rising over a background of smoke and ash.

It has been a week that has both shattered me and put me back together.

Continue reading "Ego Death, Dark Night, and Re-Birth"

Mar 06, 2024

My Most Authentic and Vulnerable Post Ever

My hands on my chest in gratitude.

The one where I tell the truth about current challenges in my life and ask for help.

Continue reading "My Most Authentic and Vulnerable Post Ever"

Feb 26, 2024

A Spiritual Course Correction

A bridge over a fast, flowing river.

Re-learning to go with the flow and surrender to my Divine life path and soul purpose in challenging times.

Continue reading "A Spiritual Course Correction"

Feb 19, 2024

Spending Time with Soul Family in Mediumship

An image of my altar with white candle lit and glowing.

The vortex of energy created when soul family connects is powerful.

Continue reading "Spending Time with Soul Family in Mediumship"

Feb 12, 2024

Support from Family in Spirit

Two hands holding tightly.

Mediumship continues to provide love, support, protection, and guidance.

Continue reading "Support from Family in Spirit"

Feb 05, 2024

Understanding Faith

A heart with wings on a sky background.

Recent challenges allowed me to deepen my understanding of faith.

Continue reading "Understanding Faith"

Jan 30, 2024

Channeled Message - We are Love

A graphical image of someone make a love heart shape with their hands over their heart.

This afternoon, I channeled a message and was guided to publish it.

Continue reading "Channeled Message - We are Love"

Jan 29, 2024

Crying for Days

A line drawing of two women crying.

Whether we cry, set intentions, or practice energy hygiene, old energies will be released when we are ready.

Continue reading "Crying for Days"

Jan 22, 2024

How to be our own Soul Mate

Heart shaped leaves in a winter scene.

We attract what we are aligned with, including our soul mates.

Continue reading "How to be our own Soul Mate"

Jan 15, 2024

How to Know When You're Levelling up and Expanding in Consciousness.

Concentric circles surrounding a lotus flower.

The patterns that repeat throughout our spiritual path and spiritual awakening process.

Continue reading "How to Know When You're Levelling up and Expanding in Consciousness."

Jan 08, 2024

Why Have a Word for the Year?

A word bubble with "word" inside on a blue sky background.

What's the point and how to use your word if you have one?

Continue reading "Why Have a Word for the Year?"

Jan 03, 2024

Powerful Healing with Dad Through Mediumship

An old photograph of my dad, from the 1970's. He is sitting in a chair-tan and smiling.

We are never alone, and it is never too late to heal a relationship.

Continue reading "Powerful Healing with Dad Through Mediumship"

Dec 30, 2023

Finding Your Soul Purpose - Bonus Content

The text reads "Bonus Content"

May this help you discover your soul's purpose.

Continue reading "Finding Your Soul Purpose - Bonus Content"

Dec 25, 2023

Finding Your Soul Purpose - Be Patient and Keep Moving Forward

The text reads "Be patient and keep moving forward".

The process of discovering your soul’s purpose is not about perfection, it’s about consistency and commitment.

Continue reading "Finding Your Soul Purpose - Be Patient and Keep Moving Forward"

Dec 18, 2023

How to Find Your Soul Purpose - Astrology Can Guide You

The text reads "Astrology can guide you."

Our astrological natal charts offer clues to our soul's purpose.

Continue reading "How to Find Your Soul Purpose - Astrology Can Guide You"

Dec 11, 2023

Finding Your Soul Purpose - Use Every Spiritual Practice You Know

The text reads "Use every spiritual (and self-care) practice you know to help you"

No matter what spiritual and self-care practices you enjoy, lean into them to help you find your soul’s purpose.

Continue reading "Finding Your Soul Purpose - Use Every Spiritual Practice You Know"

Dec 04, 2023

Finding Your Soul Purpose - Be Receptive to What Comes

Text that reads "be receptive to what comes...no matter what"

No matter what guidance you receive, be open to it, it is guiding you towards your purpose.

Continue reading "Finding Your Soul Purpose - Be Receptive to What Comes"

Nov 27, 2023

Finding Your Soul Purpose - Call Forth Aligned Energies

A graphical image of a soul with text that reads "call forth the energies aligned with your path and purpose"

Our path to our souls’ purpose is supported by Spirit and the universal energies.

Continue reading "Finding Your Soul Purpose - Call Forth Aligned Energies"

Nov 23, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

Be thankful. Be grateful. Be blessed.

Grateful, thankful, and blessed.

Continue reading "Thanksgiving 2023"

Nov 20, 2023

Finding Your Soul Purpose - Release Energies that are Old and Outdated

A visual representation of a soul with text that reads "release energies that are old, outdated, and no longer aligned."

Releasing what no longer resonates allows new energies and experiences to enter our lives.

Continue reading "Finding Your Soul Purpose - Release Energies that are Old and Outdated"

Nov 14, 2023

More Visits from Family in Spirit

Old family photos of my dad and grandmother.

The veil is indeed thin this time of year.

Continue reading "More Visits from Family in Spirit"

Nov 13, 2023

Finding Your Soul Purpose - Connect with Your Spiritual Team

A representation of a soul and text that reads "connect with Spirit".

Start the conversation or continue the connection you already have.

Continue reading "Finding Your Soul Purpose - Connect with Your Spiritual Team"

Nov 06, 2023

"Finding" Your Soul Purpose - Ignore Haters, Skeptics, and Doubters

A graphical image of a soul reaching up and the text reads "ignore the haters and the inner critic".

Especially if they are within our own thoughts.

Continue reading ""Finding" Your Soul Purpose - Ignore Haters, Skeptics, and Doubters"

Oct 30, 2023

"Finding" Your Soul Purpose - Manifest Alignment to Your Soul Purpose

An line drawing representation of a soul reaching up to receive. The text reads "manifest alignment to your soul purpose."

We can manifest anything that is aligned with our path, including our soul's purpose.

Continue reading ""Finding" Your Soul Purpose - Manifest Alignment to Your Soul Purpose"

Oct 25, 2023

A Visit from Mom Spirit

A very old photo of my mom on a playground swing with infant me in her arms.

Healing and evolving together.

Continue reading "A Visit from Mom Spirit"

Oct 23, 2023

Finding Your Soul Purpose Series - Follow Your Intuition

An image of a person and the words "follow your intuition".

Always, no matter how weird it seems.

Continue reading "Finding Your Soul Purpose Series - Follow Your Intuition"

Oct 16, 2023

How to "Find" Your Soul Purpose

A seated figure with one hand reaching up to a star.

Our soul knows why it is here and what its purpose is. We just need to get out of the way and allow it to emerge into our awareness.

Continue reading "How to "Find" Your Soul Purpose"

Oct 09, 2023

Re-Writing Our Stories

A screenshot of my websites current homepage.

Writing our stories is a way of bringing our life into focus and telling the pivotal parts that made us who we are now.

Continue reading "Re-Writing Our Stories"

Oct 02, 2023

Finding Soul Family

Three faces in a mystical connection.

They bring with them the energy that we deserve and are destined for.

Continue reading "Finding Soul Family"