Nature as Healer

A bridge over a fast, flowing river.

I sit on a nearby bench. Or, if I’m feeling adventurous, I take off my shoes and sit on the rocks. The river rushes by me. I feel the energy of the fast-moving water, the sound, the smell. My awareness goes inward to set the intention. I ask Pacha Mama, Gaia, Mother Nature to use the power of the river to cleanse my body, mind, heart, soul, energy body, chakra.

I feel the energy rise within me and wash away the old like a wave. Afterwards I find inner stillness. It is delicious. In the next moment, a channel opens, and healing energy pours into me. Gratitude and bliss fill my awareness. And then I remember that I am in a public place. I looked around but no one seemed to notice.

The water was colder than I expected for August. Being up to my ankles was enough to keep me cool. The smile wouldn’t leave my face. Dogs were jumping in the river and fetching well thrown sticks. Families were minding children and floaties nearby. Their laughter my non-stop smile to continue. Walkers walked. Bicyclists wound carefully through the walkers and tourists. It is where I go to heal my energy.

One of My Favorite Places.

My favorite place, that idyllic park by the river, is in downtown Denver. There is a 35-story apartment building on one of the banks and it’s a short walk to the corporate headquarters of a healthcare company. Many of the cyclists and walkers are employees that work nearby. I go for natural beauty and to cleanse and recharge my energy.

Being in nature is very healing for me. I’m fortunate to find it in the heart of the city. I need it and I crave it. I haven’t always felt this way. For years I allowed myself to be caught up in hustle culture and I ignored my own needs. I also ignored nature. But I’ve changed, and now I know exactly where to go when I need to be recharged, replenished, and sometimes cleansed. In nature is where I heal.


Nature as Healer.

Whether we call her Pacha Mama, Gaia, or Mother Nature, she is a healer. She moves through the seasons and adapts, changes, and heals from the scars of humans. It is her infinite wisdom that we can call upon to heal us as we move through her and be with her. It is her energy that nourishes us.

She is not just out in the far reaches of the wilderness. She is in our neighborhood, bursting through the cracks of the sidewalks, showing up in our gardens, and in our potted plants. She is at the grocery stores, the farmers markets, in our bowls, and on our plates. She is all around us. She can be found everywhere if we bring our awareness to her.

Once found, sit with her. Be with her and be with nature. Allow it to wash over you, heal you, and bring more peace into your heart and soul. Ask her for healing. And then remember to open your body, mind, heart, and soul to her infinite wisdom. Allow nature to change you. Allow it to heal you.

Today’s image is mine and from my favorite place in the park by the river. No filter, she doesn’t need it.

I’m grateful you’re here.

I love you. Be well,
