Connect with your Soul and Find your Soul Purpose

Text that reads "Be so well connected to your soul that there is no other option than to live your soul's purpose." on a background of a lotus flower emerging from the water.

I may have buried the lede. While I was editing a video for YouTube, Finding Your Soul Purpose – Bonus Content, I said something that struck me, “Be so well connected to your soul that there is no other option than to live your soul’s purpose.” That’s it. That is exactly what I’ve been trying to say in all my soul purpose work.

I don’t remember writing that line in the blog post, but it is there. It was there all along. The key to finding your soul’s purpose is to be so well connected with your soul that there is no other option than to live your soul’s purpose.

Yes, there are many things we can do to discover our soul’s purpose. But in truth, it is our connection with our soul that helps us find our purpose more than anything else. It is the relationship we create with ourselves, and our soul, that will help our purpose emerge from within us.

There are no special instructions on how to connect with your soul. We all have different ways we connect and communicate in our relationships. Do what you know. Use your own special magic to connect with your soul and discover your soul’s purpose.

Connect with your soul in any way that resonates with you. You can set the intention. You can manifest a connection with your soul. You can start the conversation and talk directly to your soul.

Communicate in whatever way resonates with you. There is no “right” way to connect with your soul. You may communicate through music, clair senses, or the way your eyes lock into what is around you and what it means to you. You may speak in plain language or through symbols. You may include multiple forms of communication such as body sensations or movements along with clair senses and music. Healthy communication is key to a good relationship.

Is your connection with your soul the cure for loneliness? No, but it does help you through the emotions of loneliness. Your soul can help you through a lot of life’s challenges. It will always be there for you. You are meant to be together. Your soul chose this life. Let it help you live it.

Love your soul. Foster the relationship as if it were the most important relationship in your life. Create a safe space for your relationship to thrive in. Tap in and check on the needs of your soul. What does it need at this moment? How can you help your soul by providing what it needs to thrive?

Everything you put into your soul will come back to you. It is a reciprocal relationship. The love you put in will come back to you tenfold. And most of it is love.

Create the type of relationship that allows you to live your soul’s purposes. Listen to the guidance of your soul. It is guiding you to its purpose in this lifetime.

If there is a bottom line of your quest to find your soul’s purpose it is this: Be so well connected with your soul that there is no other option than to live your soul’s purposes.

Here is the link to my Finding Your Soul Purpose blog series.

And the link to my Finding Your Soul Purpose video series.

I’m grateful you’re here. I love you.

Be well, beautiful soul,
