Say "Fuck it!" to Fear and Start Living Fearlessly

In late 2019 I reached a stage in my personal development that I was tired of my own inner critic and my own fear. I was tired of my own crap. I was ready to move forward.

Around that time, I was presented with a fun opportunity. In the past, my fearful self would have declined the invitation.

But this time I wanted to move past my fear. So, instead of responding with a polite ‘no, thank you’, I decided to say “F#@% It!” to fear and join in the fun.

It was the beginning of bypassing my inner critic, ignoring the fear and opening myself up to all sorts of opportunities.

I started saying “F#@% It” anytime I felt the fear tightening my chest. I said it at work. I said it at home. I said it when I decided to quit my job.

It’s 2020, I’ve said it many times this year! I even bought a bracelet that says “FUCK IT” to remind me of my new sweary intention.

In some ways I feel like my life started again. I started living without fear. I was becoming fearless!

Is fear holding you back?  

What would you say “F#@% It” to?

What would you do if you said “F#@% It” to fear?

What opportunities would you open yourself up to if you said “F#@% It” to fear?


If you want to learn about quieting your inner noise and saying “F#@% It” to fear, contact me for a Free Sample Session.

Let’s talk and get you started on your path to fearless!